Flaw Suit
As McDougal's campaign manager alluded to in the previous post, because of the sheer case volume (mostly criminal trials and paternity suits) involved in the daily operations of McDougal's life, he maintains his own private law firm. In addition to civil and criminal law, the firm also currently employs teams of lawyers skilled in patent law and maritime law. As in most law firms, lawyers are selected based on skill and experience. However, these alone are not enough if a lawyer wants to become a full partner. In order for a lawyer to get their name on the firm's letterhead, McDougal demands that their very name conjure images of death and destruction in the minds of anyone receiving correspondence from the firm. Because of the heavy case load and sometimes bizarre demands of their patron, the turnover rate is high in the law firm, even among the full partners. This necessitates the firm changing its name from time to time, but as of this writing it is working under the name Gallows, Claymore, Panzer and Bastille.