Friday, November 04, 2005

Traveling with McD

Sitting in the Detroit Metro. Airport right now.

McDougal's gone missing.

There's this psychedelic hallway with moving stairs and the big guy just completely freaked out on it. Worried we're going to miss our connecting flight ...

Actually may go on without him.

Flight here was terrible.

First off, McDougal's a big guy. Goes 'bout 6'9", 320.

He should have to buy 2 seats, but he never does. Whenever we travel, he insists I take the window seat and het get the aisle seat right next to me.

We board the plane, and find out seats. For some reason, he's freaking out to sit down. He shoves me into the seat, squeezes in next to me and goes nuts looking for his seat belt. The guy's frantic at this point.

He gets his seat belt on, leans over to me and says, "Yo, Betty, check this out, man."

I look over and he's got his "junk" out playin' with it.

then he pushes the stewardess button. she's busy tryin' to board the plane, but he starts screamin' for her. she comes over and he asks for help with his seat belt, and well ...

You see where this is going

anyway, she's a bull dyke. looks like Grizzly Addams in a polyester pantsuit.

She doesn't kick him off the plane or anything. they apparently know each other.

Holy shit -- that's Dick Gaphardt. Sitting right next to me.

I swear to God.

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